Training, Rehabilitation and Retirement Programs



Our Training program is tailored to each individual horse with a focus on the following:

  • We use the practice of dressage to help the horse move in a balanced and cadenced manner with the goal of increasing fitness and maintaining soundness.

  • Our individualized programs are designed to address weaknesses without creating excessive stress.

  • We also train for competition, using classical conditioning and a gymnastic approach to competitive Dressage. 

  • Ground manners are extremely important for safety and relevant to work under saddle. Building a good foundation with your horse leads to better communication, mutual respect and trust.

Additional Services

Allied therapies for horses are available from top local veterinarians and equine care experts, including:

  • Chiropractic care

  • Cutting edge veterinary treatments

  • Balanced whole food nutrition


Getting a horse back to fitness and functionality following an injury is a painstaking process requiring knowledgeable staff and excellent horsemanship.

Exercise programs have to be specifically tailored and most importantly, monitored as to their efficacy, allowing for adjustment if necessary. Head trainer Maddie Piplico offers a combination of rehabilitation training rides, lunge work, Pessoa system training and ground work that will recondition areas of weakness, build muscle strength and tone, and increase flexibility and mobility. We also have the expertise of Dr. Tim Ober DVM, Keswick Equine Clinic and Old Dominion Equine Clinic available for ongoing care.

We will adhere to any treatment plan proposed by the treating veterinarians and will adjust the program accordingly as things change.

If you would like to set up a tour of our facility and meet us, please contact


When the difficult decision has been made to retire your show horse consider Afton Stables your new home. We can cater to the special needs of your horse to ensure a happy and relaxed retirement. Individual care plans ensure all retirees enjoy daily love and attention, balanced nutrition, private stall and small group turnout.